Enhanced Loran is an internationally-standardized positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) service for use by many modes of transport and in other applications. It is the latest in the longstanding and proven series of low-frequency, LOng-RAnge Navigation (LORAN) systems, one that takes full advantage of 21st century technology. Read the full […]
In “Clocking On,” Ronald Bruno and Charles Schue discuss eLoran as a PNT resiliency solution for ATM applications. Read the full article (PDF, 2 MB)
UrsaNav’s alternative Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) solutions ensure that ships equipped with eLoran receivers can navigate safely in some of the busiest shipping regions around the world.
As the market leader in Low Frequency (LF) Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), we have developed high-powered, low-frequency, ground wave technology that offer the most reliable, scalable, and future-proof solutions available. The utilities that make up our lives – telecommunications, energy, finance, and transportation – depend on it.
UrsaNav’s Charles Schue highlights the power of resilience and the company’s LF PNT&D technologies and expertise in the latest issue of Navigation News, the Magazine of the Royal Institute of Navigation. Check out the feature article Resilience Has a Name (excerpt, PDF 715 KB) and follow the industry thought leaders of […]