April 19, 2016. UrsaNav successfully demonstrated accurate time indoors at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) using eLoran. The demonstration was part of an event sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), and hosted by Juniper Networks. In the audience were technical representatives from the […]
On January 27, 2016 UrsaNav presented the results from recent timing tests at the Institute of Navigation’s Precise Time and Time Interval conference held in Monterey, CA. UrsaNav CEO Charles Schue gave a presentation entitled “Providing a Resilient Timing and UTC Service Using eLoran in the United States” that demonstrated […]
Enhanced Loran is an internationally-standardized positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) service for use by many modes of transport and in other applications. It is the latest in the longstanding and proven series of low-frequency, LOng-RAnge Navigation (LORAN) systems, one that takes full advantage of 21st century technology. Read the full […]
In “Clocking On,” Ronald Bruno and Charles Schue discuss eLoran as a PNT resiliency solution for ATM applications. Read the full article (PDF, 2 MB)
UrsaNav counters the misinformation, outdated information, and obviously misleading information being promulgated as fact about Enhanced Loran (eLoran). Read the full paper (PDF, 1 MB)
UrsaNav’s Charles Schue highlights the power of resilience and the company’s LF PNT&D technologies and expertise in the latest issue of Navigation News, the Magazine of the Royal Institute of Navigation. Check out the feature article Resilience Has a Name (excerpt, PDF 715 KB) and follow the industry thought leaders of […]