Trusted time, trusted position, trusted experts.
UrsaNav is globally known and respected as the subject matter experts, industry leaders, makers of the market,
and even the most seasoned team for Low-Frequency PNT solutions. We like to simply say… the numbers tell our story.
Trusted worldwide.
True to our roots.
We are committed to the evolution of the very technology that has shaped our corporate lineage. While remaining true to our roots, we continually invest in new service provider and end user technology. We speak Loran-C, Loran-D, Chayka, LFPhoenix™, and more.
We are the only company that has been continually involved in Loran and eLoran standards bodies, including the RTCM, IALA, IMO, SAE International, and IEEE.
True to our roots.
We are committed to the evolution of the very technology that has shaped our corporate lineage. While remaining true to our roots, we continually invest in new service provider and end user technology. We speak Loran-C, Loran-D, Chayka, LFPhoenix™, and more.
We are the only company that has been continually involved in Loran and eLoran standards bodies, including the RTCM, IALA, IMO, SAE International, and IEEE.
Trusted perspective.
Trusted perspective.
If you are considering a new
or upgraded Low-Frequency
PNT solution, we can provide
every aspect of the provider
or user experience, from
Legacy System Transformation
through advanced LFPhoenix™
Resources at the ready.
From case studies and tutorials, to published articles and presentation papers; visit our Resource Vault for shared access to our knowledge base.