
ASF Survey System UN-2300

The Maritime eLoran service provider is typically responsible for publishing an ASF map with nominal ASF values for each transmitter in the harbor and approach grid. This map, together with the differential corrections, is needed by the differential eLoran users as the basis to get to 8 to 20 meter accuracies (IMO 10 Meters). UrsaNav provides equipment and survey services to produce these ASF maps. The ASF Survey Suite consists of UrsaNav’s eLoran Multipurpose Monitor Receiver (currently based upon a UN-151B) and a survey grade GNSS receiver to provide a position truth. UrsaNav also provides training for system provider personnel to perform their own surveys and produce ASF maps.

Key Features

  • Differential Reference Station Survey Grade Receiver
  • Survey Grade GNSS Receiver
  • Map Analysis and Generation Software