What Are “T3” Solutions?
The inherent flexibility of UrsaNav’s advanced eLoran technology has allowed us to develop new ways to package and deploy eLoran systems. We call these T3 Solutions, or Temporary, Transportable, or Tactical solutions. These solutions include transmitters installed in air transportable containers for military or humanitarian missions; antennas that are transportable and deployable within 24 hours; and custom solutions that include everything (including a power source) needed to deploy one or more transmitting sites to a remote location.
How Does UrsaNav Use “T3” Solutions?
UrsaNav’s personnel have worked with several Temporary, Transportable, or Tactical (“T3”) Loran and eLoran systems over the years. We have worked with the U.S. Department of Defense Air Transportable Loran System (ATLS) and Loran-D tactical Loran system. We consulted on the triple-CONEX box solution currently deployed at the Anthorn, England eLoran site. We designed, developed, deployed, and tested a prototype T3 solution for the U.S. Army. We have also been involved with two “mini-chain” Loran-C solutions, one along the Saint Lawrence Seaway and one along the Suez Canal.
From Concept to Reality: T3 Deployable Solutions
From Concept to Reality: T3 Deployable Solutions
UrsaNav’s advanced eLoran technology allows for new ways to package and deploy eLoran systems. Our innovative “T3” or Temporary, Transportable, or Tactical solutions, include transmitters installed in air transportable containers; antennas that are transportable and deployable within 24 hours; and custom solutions that include everything needed to deploy one or more transmitting sites to a remote location.
Check out the video below to see our T3 solution in action.